
Friday, September 27, 2019

Water Filter

This week, we were learning about Water Filtering because more than 2.4 billion people in this world don't get access to water and they need to go back and forth finding and carrying water. We created our water filter by groups. For the water filter, we use charcoal, sand, pebbles, cloth and plastic bottle. We collaboratively work together and finish the task. We had fun doing the task.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today for Phonics we were learning about the 'ook' sound and then we make a list of the words that has the 'ook' sound and after that we read and looked for the words contains ook sound. We then look for the ook words that has 4, 5 and 7 letters and after that, we make a paragraph using the words of the list that we made. 

My mother cooked curry for today's dinner but she didn't know the ingredients so she looked in the bookcase and saw the cookbook and grab it and read it. After my mother finished cooking curry, we hurriedly went to the table and enjoy eating curry.

Hover bike Advertisement

This week Nidhi, Eyaka, Angelene and I were working on an advertisement about a hover bike. While Eyaka and Nidhi were making the DLO for the advertisement I was working on an animated video for our advertisement. We made a cartoon advertisement video look like a real advertisement so we added some extra details in like Rhetorical questions to persuade the others to buy it. We really had fun doing this task.

Rugby Pitch

Today for Maths, Sakina, Nidhi and I were working together and we did problem solving about Rugby Pitch. After we finished answering the questions, we then choose one question and make a DLO and explain how we solve it. I had a lot a fun doing Maths.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Stadium Capacity

Today for math we did problem solving on the RWC Stadium Capacity. Nidhi and I worked together to solve the problem. We then created a DLO based on one of the questions we did and explained how we solved it. We used pitchers of the two stadiums that were involved in the question. I had a on of fun doing this activity and I also got to know about the games that are going to be played on what day and time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

IP words

The ship was sailing and traveling to America to get some gold and coins.
The people were eating and drinking wine. They got drunk and then one of them accidentally tripped and spilled the wine. The floor was wet, and slippery, so one of the workers slipped over. He fell badly on his hip so they called the ships’ doctor and he didn’t enjoy the trip to America.

Today we were doing Phonics and we were learning about the IP words. We made a list of the words with the IP sound and after that, we found the missing IP words in the sentence. We finished with our paragraph using the IP words we had listed.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How to stand up to bullying

Today I created a DLO about how to stand up to bullying because bullying means being hurting someone and being mean to another person over and over again. Bullying often includes teasing, spreading rumors, talking gossips and attacking someone by yelling and hitting them. This DLO stands for Confidence.

My Personal Passion

Today I created a DLO about my personal passion. In this DLO it tells you about my hobbies like reading books, traveling, drawing, and singing. I really had fun making this and this DLO is for the Excellence and Innovation.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

International Current Events

This week, we were doing the International Current Event which is a news that happened in the whole world. We created a Google Maps to show where the article took place. We were going to find the articles that were related to Timeliness, Relevance, Magnitude, Unexpectedness, Impact, Reference to someone famous or important, Oddity, Conflict, Reference to something negative, Continuity, Emotions, and Progress. I really had fun doing this task and learned about what’s happening in the world.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Favorite Cultural Celebration

Let me tell you about my favorite cultural celebration which is Christmas, I love Christmas because I get a lot of presents and I love eating delicious foods. When it’s Christmas Eve, I go to bed earlier and wake up and rush to my sister and brother’s bedroom and shouting that “It’s Christmas Today Wake up!” and sometimes I opened the presents, without asking my mother’s permission. Then sometimes we go to my grandma’s house to celebrate Christmas. When we arrived there, we usually go to play and eat sweets with my cousin and while my parents were preparing food on the table. If I'm done eating my food, I usually go rushed to the Christmas Tree and open the presents. I love Christmas because I can spend time with my family!

Today for Writing, we've been learning about Commas and when and where to put the Commas. We used commas to separate the dialogue, before FANBOYS and making a list. We had 5 minutes to write a paragraph about our Favorite Cultural Celebration and 7 minutes to share and edit it with a buddy and 10 minutes to finish our task.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today we did Phonics and we we're learning about the 'en' sound and we make a list of the words with the 'en' sound. Next, we we're finding the 'en' words in the story and used dictionary to find the descriptions of the words Encyclopedia, Gentle and Centre. Encyclopedia which means a book containing all kinds of information, Gentle means kind and quiet, not rough or severe and the last one is centre means a middle part to an important place. After that, we we're correcting the sentence punctuation by adding the capital letters, full stops, question marks and inverted commas.

One warm, sunny day jessica and lily went to the zoo when they arrived, they visited the monkeys. 

- One warm, sunny day, Jessica and Lily went to the zoo. When they arrived, they visited the monkeys.

Pop-up Globe

Last week on Friday, Rubin and Rita came to LS2. 
They talked about the pop up globe and William Shakespeare.
They told us about how they rehearse and it takes,
It takes 6 weeks rehearsal and they use mixed genders.
They talked about the 4th wall which is a narrator. 
The narrator includes audience in the play / act they do.
They also  told us why the globe has no roof.
They have an open roof so the audience can see.

I had a lot of fun learning about William Shakespear. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Duffy Assembly

We we're looking forward to read this books.

William Shakespeare

This week, we were talking about William Shakespeare, he is a playwright and an English poet. He was born in April 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. He is famous for writing different kinds of play like tragedy and comedy. Comedy means there always marriage and Tragedy means death. We made a DLO about Shakespeare and one of his famous plays, for example, Romeo and Juliet. This story was about, the star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. They married each other without letting their family know then Romeo believes that Juliet is dead so he killed himself in her tomb and Juliet saw what he did and kills herself. I learned interesting facts about William Shakespeare and I really had fun learning about William Shakespeare.



It’s my sister’s birthday and I would like to buy her a dress in the latest fashion. We prepared her a cake, chicken and her favorite food hash browns. After preparing food, we we’re packing our togs and towels because we’re going on the pool! We arrived at the pool, changing our clothes and having fun swimming in the pool. We were splashing around and we were taking a picture but then the flash of the camera hurts my eyes so asked my sister to blow it for me. We really had fun celebrating my sister’s birthday.

Today we we're doing Phonics and we we're learning about the 'Ash' sound and we we're making a list of the words with the 'ash' sound and after that, we were underlining the ash word and then finding the word with the 'ash' sound and filling out the sentence with the ash words then we answer the riddles and then we make a paragraph using the list of the words.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Skittles Estimation

Today we were doing Maths and we were learning about fractions and making percentage into fractions. After that we were doing the Skittles Estimation which means we had to guess how many skittles are in the jar. Our first estimate was, by looking at the picture we then estimate it that 11 skittles in each bags and 50 bags of skittles were put in the jar. Our second estimate was to find how many packets they put in the jar. We then estimated that there were 50 packets of skittles that were put in. We found out that there was actually 58 packets of skittles and in each one there was 14 skittles. The skittles were then divided into groups of 10, by length there was 10 rows and by width there was 8 rows. Our last estimate was 10 x 80 = 800, 800 + 50 + 3= 853. We later found out that the skittles are measured by weight not by the amount.

Current Events

This week for writing we learning about PIE, P is for persuade, I is for inform and E is for entertainment and we looked at some news articles that were happening in NZ. We created a Google Map showing where the article took place. We were supposed to find articles that relate to Timeliness which means that is happening right now, Relevance which means a story that happened nearby or is concern to the local in interest, Magnitude which means A story that is great in size of number or a lot of people died, Unexpectedness means something unusual, or something that occurs without any warning, Impact means news that will affect a large number of readers. Reference to someone famous or important means a news about the prominent person, Oddity means a unique situation, Conflict which means a major struggle in the news, Reference to something negative means the bad news sells more than good news, Continuity means a continuation of a story that has been in the news. Emotions means emotions such as jealousy, love or hate, increase interest in a story and progress which means new hope or new improvements. I had a lot of fun doing this and while doing this I learned what is happening around me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Should NZ ban plastic straws?

Did you know that if we ban the plastic straws it will decrease the amount of plastic straws and gives the marine animals a chance to live? Did you know that plastic straws have an unknown chemicals that can harm us? Which is why we should ban plastic straws.

Plastic straws cause ocean pollution. Ocean Pollution kills more than 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals every year. There are dead zones in the oceans that have been created by pollution and making life in those zones is impossible for marine or plant life. Did you know it takes a long time to decompose waste in the ocean? Well, I think we should stop littering so we can help the ocean to stop pollution.

Micro-plastics are very small pieces of plastics. Micro-plastics caused by plastic straws are harmful and poisonous to marine creatures. Did you know that 100,000 marine animals die every year? Plastics straws are harmful to the environment as it does not break down easily and is often mistaken as food by marine animals. Should we let the marine creatures suffer to death? I think we should not!

Plastic straws contain BPA (toxic chemicals in the plastics that harms your health). Would you let your family put harmful chemicals in their mouths? I think this is not only dangerous but also very unhealthy. It is not only harmful to us but it harms the marine animals too. If the animal eats plastic, they cannot digest it. The plastic fills their stomach, so they starve to death.

There are many options that can replace plastic straws for example paper straws, metals straws and bamboo straws are all the other options to reduce the use of plastic straws.

Monday, September 2, 2019


It’s Christmas next week! We were really excited! We were wrapping a gift for our family. After we’ve finished wrapping, we were packing our clothes and stuff because we are going on a vacation in Japan! My brother is really happy and very excited to go to Japan because we’ve haven’t been there before. We arrived in Japan and unpack our clothes and getting some food. We were very happy to spend the Christmas holiday in Japan!

This week, we were doing Phonics and today we were learning about the 'ap' sound and we were making a list of a words with an 'ap' sound, and after that we have to think of a word with an 'ap' sound in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. After that, we had to find three words from the dictionary that begin with 'cap' with an definition. After that, we had to write a paragraph using the list of the words and underlining the 'ap' sound. We listened to the short text and answer the questions.