
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Activity 1: Flying Solo

Today is our Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we were comparing Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart. They were both aviators and travel around the world on their own. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

Today is the first week of Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we choose one of the charities and explain what they did. I chose SPCA because they've been helping 40,000 injured and abandoned animals every year in New Zealand.

Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

This is week is the first week of Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we tell us about our cultural background.

Activity 1: Setting Sail

This is week is the first week of Summer Learning Journey. Today me, Ellenora and Paul are working together. We made a slides and it tells you what food we could take without any access to a refrigerator and freezer. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Activity 3: Choose your own

This is week is our Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. For this activity we get to choose our own like a scientist, technologist and anyone else and explain what they did. I have chosen Keith Alexander because he is a good father of his kids and he is the one who invented the Springfree Trampoline which is more fun and safe to play with. The reason why he invented the Springfree trampoline because of his wife because his wife didn't want to get a trampoline because it's very dangerous to the kids .

Activity 2: Impossible Burgers

This week is the SLJ Teaser Week. For this activity me and Angelene were working together. We were finding the difference between the vegetarian and the meat-loving people. The difference between Vegetarian and the Meat- loving people that the vegetarian burger is more healthier than the normal burger and the vegetarian burger has less calories than the normal burger.

Activity 1: The Social Network

This is week is Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. Me and Angelene were working together for this activity. We were learning about Sheryl Sandberg, she is a business woman from the USA, she is famous for working as the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. For this activity was to provide 5 rules that people should follow when sharing pictures and/or streaming videos online.

Activity 2: Fighting for Freedom

The issue I have chosen is about Teacher's pay. I think the teacher should get paid more because they work hard for 6 hours so that the students can learn. They're finding ways so that the students can learn and have fun the same time.

For this activity, we were learning about Mahatma Gandhi, he was known for helping the Indian become an independent country in 1947.  Mahatma Gandhi studied to be a lawyer in London, England. When he finishes his studies, he got a job from South Africa where he saw people mistreated because of their skin color and he thought that it's unfair and wrong and organized protests to have the right of the Indians living in South Africa. He impacted the world using the non-violently protest to bring change.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Activity 3: Mass Migration

It is a bad thing to build a wall between the U.S.A and Mexico. It's very hard for people walking thousands of kilometers hoping to reach the US border. Most people left their homes because of violence, unemployment, and poverty because they wanted to start a new life in the United States. Hundreds of people have to travel large distances and across borders but it's really dangerous for the people walking especially the kids, a lot got sick and injured from traveling so long.

For this activity, we learned about Donald Trump, the current president of the United States of America. Donald Trump promised the American people that he would a wall between the United States of America and Mexico to stop people from crossing over the American-Mexican border.

Activity 1: Leading the Charge

- I would make the school more fun and exciting like playing games and fun activities.
- Be a role model to the students.
- Teach students how to share and be kind to the new students
- Use free digital tools
- Teach students more life skills

This week is our Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. For this activity we learned about Helen Clark, she was the first woman to be elected as the Prime Minister of New Zealand. She introduced a number of new policies and to assure that the New Zealand continued to be nuclear-free.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Activity 3: The Columbian Exchange

My mother always been a hardworking mother, she works a lot even though she is very tired of working, but she doesn't give up and Sometimes she could't contact my brother and talk to them who are still in the Philippines. She inspired me to not give up and be a strong girl. She always there beside me when I am feeling down or have problems and she always take's care of me no matter what happens.

Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road

Angelene - I'm very proud that I got chosen out of sixty kids for a program that will help me achieve my goal when I'm older.

Ellenora - I'm very proud of myself to be able to speak in front of the class.

Sakina- I have achieved, my confidence being boosted up and presenting DLO's confidently.

This week is the SLJ Teaser week. For this activity, I interviewed three friends and ask them what they are most proud of.

Activity 1: The Rainman of Rajasthan

This week is the Manaiakalani SLJ Teaser Week. The theme for this year is called "change makers". This theme will help us learn more about incredible people who have changed the world. For this activity I worked collaboratively together with Eyaka, Ellenora, Marieta, Nidhi and Angelene. To complete this activity we were challenged to answer a few questions about the water project: what is the goal of the organisation, where do they work and what they have achieved. Before answering these questions, we watched a video to find out more about the water project. Something interesting that I found out was that approximately 1 billion people have no access to clean water. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Activity 3: The Greatest of All Time

PROS and CONS of being Garry Kasparov

Make a lot of money
Achieved a lot of success and all the practice paid off.
Become famous

Have to practice for hours every day
Don't have free time to spend with friends and family.
Not able to attend regular school.

Garry Kasparov was the top-ranked chess player for 15 years. He started playing chess when he was 7 years old, he practiced everyday in order to become an expert. He never attend regular school and don't have much time to spend with his family and friends.

Activity 2: Equal Pay for Equal Work?

I think the female athletes, like Black ferns, needs to be paid with the same amount as the male athletes because it's really unfair that the men's paid more than the women's, they both played the same sport and they work hard to won the competition.  

Activity 1: Faster than a speeding bullet

This is our SLJ Teaser Week. For this activity is all about us creating 4 similes about the famous Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. She is the world famous athlete (sprinter) and currently holds the record for the 100 m sprint and known as the world's fastest woman. 

Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants

The BFG has a huge pointy ears, enormous hands and feet, he’s kind and gentle with a cheerful smile.  He is different from the giants because he never eat humans. BFG is a dream catcher, he catches dreams using the dream catcher net.

Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots

This afternoon as part of our teaser week for the SLJ we were completing our own Pepeha.
 A Pepeha is way of introducing yourself in Maori and we used this to tell about the country we are from and the mountain and the stream we belong to.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Activity 1: New Zealand Royalty

This week is the Manaiakalani SLJ Teaser week. Today I worked with Ellenora and we made a Profile infographic about Ella Yelich O-Connor (Lorde). One of her interesting facts is that she added an 'e' of the name Lord to make it more feminine and that she was signed to a development deal with Universal Music Group at a young age and won a lot of awards and achievements.

Monday, December 2, 2019

It's Market Day Evaluation

Were LS2's rainbow crayons a viable choice?

Yes they were because they had a mix of colours, they were well prized, they were cheap to make and they were handmade. The next time we do rainbow crayons we would make more than we made this time and do different colours and shapes to make it more attractive. Our gross profit was $96.00 and our was only $8.00 that was used to buy the plastic bags and our Net profit was $88.00. I had a lot of fun making these crayons and selling them and I also had fun helping the little kids with market day


Today for Maths, we were creating a pattern to show Transformation. We used Rotation, Translation and Reflection to make the pattern and we each have chosen a shape to make a pattern. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Romeo & Juliet

This week, we were learning about Shakespeare's one of the famous play which is Romeo & Juliet. We watched the video first and made a list of the important words that tell about the story and we made it into a sentence using the list we made. In groups, we then write 5 sentences and turn the 5 sentences into 10 syllables. After that, we choose one of the scenes and make it a dialogue using Shakespeare's language and made it into an animation. I found it interesting because I've got to learn about Shakespeare Language and Romeo and Juliet's tragic death.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today we were learning about the vocabulary of Transformation. Transformation in geometry describes the changes made to shape when you rotate, translate, enlarge and reflect them. We made DLO to help us understand what each transformation look like. 

Monday, November 18, 2019


I enjoy shopping at the mall. I saw an ambulance at the shops. Jack and Mickey choked on their popcorn when they were at the movies.

Today for Phonics, we each picked a vowel, to make our sound chunk. My chunk was op. Then I made a list of all the op words I could think of, then put the first to 10 words into alphabetical orders. To make our own paragraph we used one of the words from each persons list.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Firework Safety

This week since it was Guy Fawkes, we created a DLO about fireworks safety to show the room 2. For this DLO, I worked with Miiana, Taheesha and Eyaka. With the fireworks safety, we included 5 simple important  firework safety rules with some photos. After creating the DLO, we showed it to room 2. One of the important rules while near fireworks, is to always keep away while a firework is lit. 

Guy Fawkes

This week or Today, we were learning about Guy Fawkes who plotted to kill King James I but failed. This is when a group of 12 men tried to kill King James I and blow up Britain’s House of Parliament. Then the conspirators got hold of 36 barrels of gun powders and stored them in a cellar. One of the group members sent an anonymous letter warning to Lord Monteagle, but then the warning letter reached the King and made plans to stop the conspirators. Guy Fawkes was caught and was executed. Every the fifth of November, the New Zealanders celebrate the annual festival with bonfires and fireworks. 


Today is my sister’s birthday and we planned to a restaurant and then to the park. We arrived at the restaurant and ordered what we wanted to eat. The restaurant we went to was unfamiliar and we’ve never eaten there before. The food is ready! We all gather to eat and have fun but my brother was unsatisfied with his food because his chicken was uncooked. My Mother called the waiter and asked why the food is uncooked. After that, we’ve arrived at the park but then it started to rain and thunder, it was so loud so we went back home and play a game.

Today we are learning about the 'un' sound and we made a list of the word with the 'un' chunk on it. After that, we were solving a riddles and the answer all have the 'un' chunk in them and adding 'un' to a word. Then, we made a paragraph using the list of the words.  

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today, we were doing Woodwork for Tech. We draw 8 kinds of woodwork's and pick one of them to make and I pick the piano. I then measured the length and the width of the piano then start making it. We cut the wood in half and mark the joints using tri-square and then start chiseling the joints using wood chisel and mallet. We really had fun doing woodwork. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Our family is going on a camping trip. We set up our tents and unpacked our clothes. My mother cooked hot dogs and drinks to fill up our stomachs. My two brothers like to play football so they grab the ball and started playing. While I and my father and sister are having a walk in the forest.

Today on Phonics, we were learning about the 'Ot' sound. We made a list of the words with the 'Ot' sound on them and we then made a paragraph using the list of the words. We found the meaning of the 3 words using the dictionary and put 3 words into a sentence. Then after that we read the story and roll the question dice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Collaborative Challenge | Budget of $200

This week for math we were given a challenge to complete together as a group. We were given a budget of $200 to do a weekly grocery shop for our maths group. We used an abundance of money to provide our group with enough healthy food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for one week. The challenging part was trying to decide what dinner was going to be, because most of us thought of different ideas, but at the end we chose which one was the best and cheapest.