
Friday, May 31, 2019


This week we did a Gymnastics with our instructor Steve. We learned about Backward Roll, Cartwheels, Handstands, Beam (balance), Dive Roll and jumping. Some of them are little bit hard like Backward Roll, Cartwheels and Handstands because i might got hurt and i am little bit scared doing Gymnastics. We learned many skills in Gymnastics and help us to control Anxiet Attacks. We really had fun doing the Gymnastics.

Friday, May 24, 2019


This week was our last week of Tech in our rotation groups. We finished our clocks and I am so proud of my clock. I always wondered how a clock is made and now I know. It was really fun knowing how to make a clock. It is easy to make a clock but there is a lot you have to do such as you need a design, you need to know how big your image is and if it will fit, you need paint, you need to cut the wood our wood was cut using a laser. It was a very fun class throughout the term with Mrs Ferguson. Thank you Mrs Ferguson for teaching us how to make a clock. We had really fun making clocks with you.
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On Thursday Night, We go to Stardome and we had a show about in space like stars and planet. We had a Instructor named Tobias, He is the one who discuss about in space. First, he talked about the bright star that we can see it throughly in Earth's Atmosphere and We explored around and then we see a Star Constellation like Scorpion, Sagittarius, Hook. We can see Scorpion that lies high in the sky near the center of the Milkway, The Sagittarius was located between the Tail of Scorpion and the Hook was just in the Scorpion part. We had a another topic about the Planet Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and has 98 moons and the Saturn has 62 moons. We have fun in the show. After the show we are looking around and they are many things that i have learned like Stars, Different Moons, and anything about in space. We really have fun on the Stardome and learn new things in space.


Thursday, May 23, 2019


Image result for penguins

Penguins are a type of a bird and they have many different species. Penguins cannot fly and they are called Flightless Birds. They only have flippers to swim around in the ocean to hunt for food for their chicks. They have special oils that they spread over their feathers to make them waterproof. They live in cold places like Antarctica, Snowy Mountain and Galapagos.

Penguins have black on the top and white underneath or called "Countershading".
They have flippers different patterns on their back and webbed feet.There is an Emperor Penguin who is the tallest and there are Little Blue Penguins who are the smallest.

Penguins eat Krill (a type of prawn), Fish, Crustaceans (like a crabs or lobster) and Cephalopods (like an octopus or squid). Penguins are Carnivores (an animal who feeds on other animals). Penguins hunt their food in the sea to feed their chicks. They use their flippers to help them swim in the ocean.

Penguins live in a cold places like Antarctica Continent, Snowy Mountains, Southern America and Ice Burks. Penguins can survive in the cold places because they have thick skin and a blubber to keep them warm. There are some several penguins were found in the Galapagos near the equator or their called Galapagos Penguins.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Life in Tamaki College

Today Year 8 we're going to Tamaki College so we can experience being a College. We had our First Session and that is Maths. We learned about how to locate coordinates and made a Alien Mask. In our Second Session was Science. We did Experiment about dry ice. Dry ice is a Solid Carbon Dioxide. In our First Experiment we had gloves and put the dry ice inside and the gloves got bigger and bigger, And in our Second Experiment we had a cup with a hole in the bottom and it was sealed in the top of it and a candle. And we put a dry ice on a hole and a water on it, And the sealed part we're going to tap it and it caused smoke rings. And we had to shoot the smoke rings in the candle. In our third Experiment we had a competition. For the competition we had to fly the lid higher like a rocket. We had a small container with a lid and a bowl. We put dry ice and water on a small container and put a lid on and put it on the bowl and we wait for a second until the lid fly. And the Last Experiment, We need a bottles that has two holes on the sides and put a two straws in different directions and a lid with a string on it and we put a dry ice with water again and it will spins. And we had fun to the challenges and Thank you for the Teachers. We really enjoyed the Challenge very much.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Laika: A Summary

Today we used our skimming and scanning skills to find the information and detail we needed to write a summary. Skimming like a low flying plane. You look over the information once, (this should take about about 3 - 5 seconds). Scanning is like a helicopter, you find what it is looking for and then hover over until the information has been found. To practise these skills we created a DLO that summarises Laika's journey in Sputnik 2.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Kiwi Can/ Integrity

This term's topic at Kiwi Can is Integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is looking, also being honest. An example of  integrity  is owning up to our mistakes and being responsible for our own actions.

This photo of our role play shows an example of integrity. It was about a girl who cheated in a test at school and the students told on her. She owned up to cheating and by her being honest it showed the quality of integrity. I found it interesting to learn about  integrity and why we should be honest.